Players: 587
Tournaments: 276
Games Played: 6142
Total Appearances: 7358
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Current date and time: 2024-12-22 06:28
Hysteria Tournament
Delay: |
4 worms per team
If you cow, skip next turn.
If you kill 1 enemy worm, you kill your next worm.
If you win with cow, you lose.
Open map.
There is one weapon available on each of the function keys, and they all come in infinite supply, except for 1 cow. Each turn also has 10 seconds of 'hot seat' time before it, which gives the player time to think about their turn.
The turns are only 1 second long, the timer will not decrease unless a player runs out of turn time, meaning that matches can last indefinitely provided no player times out. When Sudden death occurs, the water rises very quickly.
Each player also has infinite jet packs. These require that the player instantly drops a mine after equipping the jet pack, so he has 5 seconds of retreat time in which to guide his worm. In this scheme there is Low Gravity.