Players: 587
Tournaments: 276
Games Played: 6142
Total Appearances: 7358
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-01-30 21:39
Bungee Race Tournament
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The Ultimate Team Race is a combination of battle, boom and bungee race.
Each team must have a player which plays one of those schemes (so 1 boom player, 1 bungee and 1 battle player). Every player will be paired separately, so register like that:
team: bungee - nick, clan, country / boom - nick, clan, country / battle - etc.
Each scheme is played separately, but at least 2 wins are required for a team to win the round. So for example, if you lost bungee race, but your teammates won battle and boom, your team passes to the next round.
Every match lasts 30 minutes (real time), and if the clock shows 00:30, the player who is farther wins. If its a draw (which can practically occur only in bungee), then players go to the channel and consult me.
The boom scheme is uploaded above, in this scheme you can`t attack your opponent except if its neccesary to move forward. Also, ploppping you opponent result in losing the match.
For battle race, use scheme and rules from - remove the 15 minute SD though.
For bungee, use the rules and scheme from
Note: The minimum number of 12 teams wasn't reached, so the host decided to change the tournament into regular Bungee Race instead of the original "The Ultimate Team Race".